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About Us


Hello, my name is Dennis and my wife is LaNelle. We have been married for 36 years and have 3 beautiful daughters and 5 grandchildren. I am a Desert Storm Veteran and served in the US Air Force for 10 years. Our family is very patriotic and we support all those who have served to protect this great nation of ours.


Making these flags has become a meaningful hobby we share with our grandchildren. We are blessed to see them grow and develop a sense of accomplishment through hard work and the completion of each hand crafted flag. Our hope is to instill our love for our home and nation throughout the process. We have many family members serving in law enforcement and the military, both active duty and retired. ​ ​Being a veteran, I loved to look at all the flags people were making on You Tube. So my wife and I built a wood shop and thought making a flag would be a nice first project. We really liked the look of the hand carving and individual stripes and 1 piece union on the flags, so we began with that as our design goal.

Part way through our first project, we received the most heart breaking news....


My baby brother had been diagnosed with stage 4 Colon Cancer.


I knew I wanted to make something to keep his spirits up and show him how much love and happiness he has always given me. So our first flag turned immediately into a project of love with one thing driving us. It was to show my brother how we all felt for him and his family.


After we completed the flag, something just felt like it was missing until my wife suggested a colon cancer awareness ribbon and stripe. We carved the ribbon, stained a new stripe and then glued it all together.


The morning we left to go see him, the polyurethane was still a little wet but we got it done. The look on his face was of joy and happiness and melted our hearts. Seeing him smile and watching his eyes light up as he held the flag was more than we could have asked for.


Unfortunately though, he passed away a few weeks later. Making these flags has become sort of a therapeutic thing for us by spending time in the shop on our days off and enjoying everyday in his memory. We love and miss you Randy.


Our family truly thanks you for visiting our website.

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